--volt Display indication changes to battery in V
 --proz Display indication changes to battery in %.
 --maxv 99.9 Maximum charging voltage in V
 --button on activates the user button (TBEAM, TLORA, ESP32/E22, HELTEC V2/V3)
 --button off deactivates the user button (TBEAM, TLORA, ESP32/E22, HELTEC V2/V3)
 --all brings again continuously POS messages on the display until a message comes up
 --msg brings only messages on the display (starting with the next message)
 --display off/on This turns the display off and only turns it on for seconds in case of a text message (gateway remains permanently off)
 --sendpos a POS message with the last stored position is sent immediately
 --setlat xx.xxxxxx in ° if no GPS available (values > 0 East)
 --setlon xxx.xxxxxx w.o. (values > 0 North)
 --setalt xxxxx m above sea 0
 --track on activates the display for SmartBeaconing (transmission interval in seconds, heading in ° (last/current), distance in meters (to last point))
 --track off deactivates the display for SmartBeaconing
 --wx Displays weather data (BME280/BMP280 must be present)
 --pos query the current stored position and date/time
 --gps on/off enables GPS queries (necessary if GPS add-on hardware is used)
 --bme on activates the BME280 sensor
 --bmp on activates the BMP280 sensor
 --bmx off deactivates the BME280 or BMP280 sensor, respectively
 --onewire on/off enables/disables the Onewire DS temperature sensor
 --gps on/off enables GPS queries (necessary if GPS add-on hardware is used)
 --reboot The firmware is reloaded and restarted (data in flash memory is retained)

serial console:

 --help query the list of commands
 --info query the current operating parameters
 --mheard (- - mh) display the stations listened to via LoRa-RX since the last reboot
 --setcall Setcallsign (only valid calls according to APRS) (auto.  reboot after 10 seconds)
 --setssid SetWIFIssid (auto reboot after 15 seconds if ssid and pwd are set)
 --setpwd SetWIFIpassword (auto-reboot after 15 seconds if ssid and pwd are set)
 --sethamnet use HAMNET IP for MeshCom server connection (auto.reboot after 10 seconds)
 --setinet use the INTERNET IP for the MeshCom server connection (auto. reboot after 10 seconds)
 --gateway on start gateway to MeshCom server via WIFI/ETH-connect
 --setinfo on/off switches the display of incoming LoRa/UDP messages at the serial console on/off (default)
 --debug on/off switches the general debug help on and off
 --loradebug on/off switches LoRa RX/TX debug help on and off
 --gpsdebug on/off switches GPS debug help on and off
 --wxdebug on/off switches the WX sensor debug help on and off
 --onewire gpio 25
 --webserver on

Send messages to ALL - directly from the serial console
:textnachricht eingeben und 
Messages in direct mode (DM) - send directly from the serial console
:{OE1KBC-1}textnachricht eingeben und